Appointments can be made either by calling in to the surgery between 8.30am - 6.30pm, or by telephoning the surgery between 8.00am and 6.30pm Monday to Friday.

Call the surgery - 01269860348

You may book with a clinician of choice up to 4 weeks in advance.  However, note that clinicians are sometimes away, which will impact the number of appointments available. 

All consultations are by appointment only. Please make an appointment by telephoning or calling in at the surgery. An adult should accompany children under 14.

Please cancel your appointment if you are unable to attend, as this appointment may be needed by someone else.

Each week we lose valuable doctor and nurse time when people fail to cancel their appointments. If you are unable to attend for your appointment or no longer require it, please let us know at the earliest opportunity.

Non - Urgent Consultations with eConsult

An online system for non-urgent consultations.  These will normally be responded to by 6.30 pm the following day after submission.  They are NOT for urgent/acute conditions, and not for children under 16.  The response to an eConsult will usually be by email.  Click on the eConsult picture below for further information.


We offer telephone consultations, either on the day or in advance.

The advantage of these appointments is that you can have your consultation over the telephone without leaving home.

Our appointments line is open from 8.00 -18.30 Monday to Friday, excluding Bank Holidays.

It is important that you provide us with the best contact number for the GP to call you back.

Cancel an appointment

Please let us know as soon as possible if you are unable to make your appointment by completing the form below.

Cancel my appointment